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5 Pros of Making Your Own Clothes

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The ability to sew your own clothes is not only a skill but an art form and one that is well worth learning. The benefits of making your own clothes are many, and here are the top five:

Clothes unique to you

A person who makes their own clothing is engaged in making a garment that is unique to their body and their personality. They can choose the fabrics based on their sustainability or other attributes such as their look, their feel, their origins or even their cultural and historic significance. There is joy in simply sitting down to sew a garment. There’s even more joy when the maker gets compliments on it when it’s finished, and able to be worn.

It’s budget-friendly

Making your own clothes is less expensive, indeed often far less expensive than buying them. Because of this, the sewer can splurge on sumptuous fabrics and accessories that would break the bank if they had to buy a similar garment made by a high-end couturier.

Fast-made-fashion may appear cheaper by just looking at the price tag alone, but the longevity of a custom made garment actually allows most garment makers save overall.

It’s a fun hobby

For most people, sewing is simply a fun hobby. But it also has the benefit of being a creative act that improves creativity the more it is practiced. Because of this, it brings with it the pleasure that comes from mastering a skill. Even people who have been sewing for decades are always seeking to learn something new about their craft. Being able to sew lets the clothes that the person already owns last longer, for sewing is necessary for small repairs as well as putting together complicated garments.

It’s environmentally friendly

How is sewing more environmentally friendly? Creating a garment also creates a bond with its creator. This bond makes it more likely that the sewer will hold on to that garment and repair it as necessary rather than tossing it out. Every day, tons of discarded clothing end up in landfills. A hand-sewn or self-sewn garment might actually escape this fate for a long time by being passed down from one family member or friend to another. Additionally, a well made garment will always last longer than a fast-made garment. When you select the fabric yourself, and know the quality of the work, you know you’ll be making an item that will last for years.

It improves social life

A person who’s taken up sewing can connect with others who practice the craft online and in person. Often, friendships develop from these connections. People also find that their self-esteem and confidence improve as they learn how to sew. Those with a passion for fashion are able to join community groups and share their knowledge and success, and even work in the fashion industry! Whether you’re making costumes at home for your kids, or costumes for movie sets, you can create ever lasting bonds with the people you’re working along side of.

Contact Us at Fabricana

Whether you’ve just taken up sewing or have been practicing your art for years, look up our website, and choose from our beautiful fabrics and notions that range from pincushions to needles to seam sealant to tracing wheels and bobbins. Visit us at


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