Project Hugs Charity Quilt-athon Recap

6 thoughts on “Project Hugs Charity Quilt-athon Recap”

  1. I’d like to participate in an event like this!! Hopefully another will be organized and I’ll learn about it.

    1. That’s fantastic to know Anna! The best way to stay up to date with events like this is with our Newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can sign up by clicking the Fabricana logo at the top of the page and then scrolling to the very bottom of the home page. There should be a “sign up for our newsletter” button there.
      Knowing how many people would be interested in these events helps us organize them and hopefully host them more often.

  2. Wow this is incredible! I’d love to participate. This is a great idea! I’ve signed up for the newsletter!

  3. I would love to participate in an event like this! Thank you for organizing them. I’ll keep my eye on the newsletter!

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We’re so excited that we were able to host TrendTex’s Project Hugs Charity Quilt-athon at both our Coquitlam (May 6) and Richmond (May 27) location. We got some amazing photos of our participants and their quilts and we’re thrilled to share with you what was created, and how fun the sewing process was for all of us.

So, what is Project Hugs?

Project Hugs is organized by TrendTex, a local quilt fabric distributor, with a goal to create 1,000 quilts that they can donate to those in need. The event is hosted at local Quilt and Fabric shops where participants get to create a quilt in just 6 hours! The finished quilts are then donated to the Ronald McDonald house (or other nearby charities) in order to help bring comfort to those working through some of the most difficult times of their lives.

TrendTex supplies the event with their ‘Little Hugs’ charity quilt kits and our volunteers create a beautiful quilt with the kits provided!

How it works

One of our Quilts laid out before joining.

Some of you may be wondering how someone can create a quilt in just 6 hours! Well, our amazing instructors helped our quilters with this by teaching a “quilt-as-you-go” technique using a pattern that was designed by TrendTex. Quilt-as-you-go allows the makers to quilt their quilts in smaller, manageable sections and then bind the edges to finish it.

As you can see, the edges of the long blocks are pinked so you can more easily sew them without them fraying. Once you’ve joined your fabric together, it’s time to do a simple but beautiful quilting top-stitch using the seams as a guide.

We love the stories our quilters created, they did such an amazing job at creating these cheerful quilts!

What looks did our Quilters go for?

We loved every single one of the quilts that came out of this project! Let’s showcase the quilts made by our Coquitlam and Richmond teams so everyone can enjoy their beauty. Each kit comes with a collection of fun fabrics and our volunteers get to choose what order their fabrics go in to make a fun and marvelous quilt. We love the variations of all the quilts and how each one is unique, but equally striking.=

Here at Fabricana, we’re always humbled by the amazing dedication and selflessness the sewing community has. We’re a community that isn’t afraid to show up and spend our time giving to those in need! Events like these are evidence of that commitment, and we know each and every one of you is using your sewing to uplift the people in your life or your community.

We hope we can do another event like this one soon! Comment here if you want to see more charity sew-athons hosted at Fabricana! Until next time, sew true and be you!


6 thoughts on “Project Hugs Charity Quilt-athon Recap”

  1. I’d like to participate in an event like this!! Hopefully another will be organized and I’ll learn about it.

    1. That’s fantastic to know Anna! The best way to stay up to date with events like this is with our Newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can sign up by clicking the Fabricana logo at the top of the page and then scrolling to the very bottom of the home page. There should be a “sign up for our newsletter” button there.
      Knowing how many people would be interested in these events helps us organize them and hopefully host them more often.

  2. Wow this is incredible! I’d love to participate. This is a great idea! I’ve signed up for the newsletter!

  3. I would love to participate in an event like this! Thank you for organizing them. I’ll keep my eye on the newsletter!

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